aerial view seed production bloom

Seed Production

We take great care in producing the best seed possible.

From the first bag of Breeder seed through multiple generations of production, roguing and careful cleaning our goal is to provide you with top quality seed.

Seed Production at EQS

Our processing facilities were built on years of hands-on experience processing a wide variety of seeds requiring the greatest of care in handling during processing and storage. We have specially designed systems built to minimize chances of contamination as well as seed damage. We have a strong system of tracking production throughout the growing season and after harvest with handling and cleaning of all the varieties of seed we produce.

As Seed growers and sellers we have the advantage of growing new varieties on our farm three to four years before they are available as Certified seed on your operation. This means that by the time we sell a new variety we have experienced a minimum of three growing seasons with this variety so we know whether it will fit your farm, and which part of your farm is best suited to grow it.

We plant new varieties on our own farm and learn the strengths and weaknesses of each variety to produce the best possible seed. We care for, harvest and process the seed with the greatest attention to detail to provide our customers the best varieties at the highest quality possible.


Seed Treatment & Biologicals

Our state of the art treating facility can coat your seed with multiple products to protect it from various molds, damping off and seed decay. We can apply treatments and biological enhancements, as well as micronutrients to give your seed its greatest potential to achieve maximum stand.

Contract Production Capabilities

We have a large team of production growers covering the vast geography of the Red River Valley and beyond, who share our passion to produce the highest quality seed possible. Through these relationships we can procure thousands of acres to produce reliable high quality genetics for a wide range of crops for Western Canada and beyond. Our unique location in Southern Manitoba allows us to grow the widest range of maturities anywhere in Western Canada.